A Silent Communication

It can say those things you don’t have the words for (trust me:D). All of us (yes, even you!) need it to tell us that everything is fine or will be fine if it’s not. There is no soul or being who doesn’t understand this language…YES, I’m talking about one <rib crackling hug>.

The same hug that we have restricted to some events, which we only do in grim situations to raise somebody's spirits. But why? Shouldn’t it be done on a regular basis? Yes, it should be, it should be done on an unvarying basis.

They call it a <miracle drug> for a reason. Hug is a drug that contains no preservatives, no harmful chemicals, and no artificial sweetener.  Hugs come with just one side-effect, i.e. natural wow-ness!

With every passing day, things are getting more and more expensive, but this comes as free, free, free! It is the most precious, yet non-taxable thing.

So go and give a huge, warm hug to someone, anyone in your life, because hugs are any day better than that <free ka gyaan> or long, unending <inspirational speech> (not to forget Boring).

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