Time to Reach There…………

*A part of me tells me not to share this experience with the people around, but then a part of me tells me that it the experience with SALVIA, which is so DIVINE that it should reach out to more and more people around.*

There they are..so many kids, colors, different patterns, airplanes flying around, along with innumerable strangers standing out to pull me into some other vortex known as an alternative world. I know this sounds unusual, but this was exactly what my whole first Salvia experience was.

The traditional “Bong” (no, I am not talking about any Bengali beauty here) was loaded with 20X Salvia when I first tried it. I was specifically told (rather was strictly instructed) to take one enormous hit of the DIVINE plant and hold it for good 15-30 seconds. “Diligently” I followed every instruction as I did not want anything to go wrong with my experience.

I held my breath for some 25 seconds and after that I just exhaled the smoke out. I closed my eyes and a few seconds later, I saw airplanes hovering over my head which then turned into some colorful steel pipes, and then these pipes began to float like some liquid (in a matter of milliseconds). The whole liquid was then turned into some 600+ children, who were dancing. Singing and hoping around the whole place.

I began to wonder that where am I in between all these things???

To my surprise, I was there only with all those kids. I was laughing and talking to them…:D

Soon after this, a big pattern of vivid colors began to overcome my visualization (you can say it a dream too), which was like a rainbow. The colors were vivacious, but I remember myself getting trapped into every color (this all seemed to me like different patterns). I was trying hard, in fact very hard to break all the patterns to come out. I felt like a lost soul during this tribulation. It got me so scared that all I wanted was to leave that world (I feel I was in some unknown world with deep boundaries around it) and reach my world as soon as possible.

My entire experience lasted for some 20 minutes before I regained my composure. I was so scared of the whole experience that I decided not to try it again ever in my life.

But now when I sit and try to comprehend those things and patterns, then I realize that those were the indirect hints which were trying to tell me something. If that time, I had tried to hold my experience for a while, then I am sure, I would have been able to experience something. Something which would have made me comes face to face with my CORE, if not some other UNIVERSE.

Now I know why people say that it is a plant which should be treated with utmost respect. I am definitely trying it again and this time to unlock all the answers of my spiritual life and mind.

Friends together…in SUNSHINE & in SHADE

It’s true that there comes a time in everyone’s life when they bump into their special friend and feel the unusual connection (read: AMAZING!!!!!). It happened with me too. We met, bonded and became friends forever (yes FOREVER as forever has no END). I know forever is not like an abstract concept for the reason that I enjoy each day with her as it comes.

I met her in my erstwhile office, which is now nothing less than a wonderland to me and she was there for her two- months summer internship. That day (I don’t remember the date..:P) when I reached office, I noticed a suave girl with spectacles sitting next to my table. What next??? Was there a thunder, violins playing in the background or chorus singing? NAH!! Nothing like that happened. In fact, NOTHING AT ALL happened for the first few hours, except that she acknowledged my presence instantaneously. And I am the one to blame for this as initiating a conversation with strangers is a tough (rather an impossible) task for me. 

For me it was an end of our conversation and in no time I was back to my daily office work. But out of nowhere I heard a voice asking me “So which college are you from?”…lol, yes this was that magical question which led to the starting of our “forever frandship bond”..:P The bond of friendship started to grow from there and since then there has been no looking back.

The craziest time of my life started. We both know now “almost” the whole CP because of our daily quest for good food (Yaaayyy!! She is a foodie too). We started sharing every possible incident of our life, be it funny one, funnier ones or funniest ones. Just when things were going great for us, BAM!!! Her two months internship came to an end and she had to leave to pursue her remaining graduation. But for us, it wasn’t that big a deal as we pledged (it was our soul actually) to stay connected as FRIENDS “until death do us apart” (yes, we took that vow literally, believe it or not!!!..:P)

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